Marketing & Events, Inc.
Established 1989
Trade Shows & Conferences
Marketing & Events is very instrumental in organizing and managing all conference logistics to ensure a successful show for you! Marketing & Events (M& E) is unique in structure, comprised of a competent staff intent on maintaining continuity within a show among the speakers participating and individuals attending the show. M&E offers a complete range of conference and exposition services, including registration requirements, speaker logistics and in house graphic design.
Trade Show Management
M&E maintains both a full and part time trained staff capable of meeting any organization’s needs, including but not limited too: show management, staging, show office management both on and off site, credentials, and overall management. M&E manages numerous conferences and trade shows- below we have highlighted a national show and regional show that we organize.

SportsTurf Manager’s Association Conference & Exhibition
STMA's Annual Conference & Exhibition allows members to share information with other successful members of the sports turf industry at exciting locations. In addition to educational seminars, hands-on workshops and the latest technology on display, conference attendees are able to tour professional, college and municipal facilities that offer a range of insights to take back home.

Eastern Seaboard Apprenticeship Conference

New England Regional Turfgrass Conference & Show
The Annual New England Regional Turfgrass Conference and Show is an example of the deep commitment that the New England Turfgrass Foundation has for turf research and education. The goal is to help to improve all turf conditions in the New England Region. For more than one hundred years, managers continue to rely on the advancements of turfgrass science and education to maintain the highest quality of turf and improve their professional status. Attendees meet other professionals and take advantage of the more than 400 booths on the show floor exhibiting the most technically advanced equipment available to the turfgrass industry with a reception for over 600 plus people.
ESAC Celebrating its 74th Anniversary, The Eastern Seaboard Apprenticeship Conference (ESAC) is the oldest apprenticeship conference in the United States. The organization is designed to promote registered apprenticeship programs including representatives from Labor, Management, State Government, educational facilities and small and large businesses.